Wednesday, August 4, 2010

kids toys Began school, they are actually not willing to go to school

Began school, the majority of students step the cheerful footsteps to arrive at the school

    Last week, the majority of students harbored the expectation and started their new semester joyfully, might also a some child after summer vacation, does not adapt to the campus life intense but orderly. Reporter is visiting the Jinhua urban district partial elementary and middle schools timing to discover that has some children not to be willing to go to go to school.

    Soaked a summer vacation Internet bar not to be willing to register

    Jiang Mr.'s son Jiang Xiaorui (alias) is the Jinhua some middle school third day student .9 months on 3rd, when reporter sees Mr. Jiang, he is helping the son to go through the asking for leave formalities. Mentions son's matter, Mr. Jiang is very distressed. He said that after most recent several years divorce, the son with oneself lives in together. But because he is runs the long-distance transport, has the time very rarely in the home, therefore in the life and the study matter must depend on the small wisdom ingredients. The small wisdom is very sensible, the academic record also has maintained at all personnel first 20. But had not thought that this summer vacation he has treated in the outside areas for one month, the small wisdom has actually been infatuated with the surfer, soaks all day in the Internet bar, the family does not return, but also learned to smoke 0.1 summer vacation to play down, a work spot has not made .9 months on 1st to begin school that day, Mr. Jiang meets must leave exactly goes far from home. Before leaving, he exhorts the son to want repeatedly to go to the school registration on time, summer vacation the work said to teacher later will make up again. Had not thought that his proleg just walked, the small wisdom posterior crus slid the Internet bar. Telephones until the teacher in charge to ask why the small wisdom hasn't come the school, Mr. Jiang only then to know the son has not gone to the school from the start. Mr. Jiang hurries to push switches hands living, at the same day impatiently has caught up with.

    After I come back, asked why the small wisdom hasn't gone to go to school, he one will say that the belly will hurt has no way the school, one will also say that the school registration will postpone for one day, will talk incoherently, I when have carried out teacher in charge's words, he only then acknowledged that he has gone to the Internet bar, I was in a rage begin to hit him. From then on, how do I scold perhaps the good words again persuade, he is gruff the temperament not to speak, in the home closes oneself in the room, the teacher in charge makes the phone call not to meet, lets him go to school does not want. Now so long as I am not at the home, he will run plays. Gets down like this again, I feared really he destroyed. Mr. Jiang cannot find way out to the son. These two days to prevent the son to go to the Internet bar, Mr. Jiang locks on the other side the son in the home, gave back to him to go through the asking for leave formalities, slowly tried to find solution to urge him to go back goes to school.

    It is not willing to go to school must return to the countryside to play

    How to roar how to urge him not to be willing to go to go to school. These two days, the family lives in the urban district north of the Changjiang River Mr. Xu the matter which goes to school for the child puzzled over. Xu Mr.'s son Xu Yang (alias) this year is the elementary school second grade, summer vacation period, because Mr. Xu husbands and wives usually works is very busy, has delivered the child countryside grandmother the family. After countryside, positive catches the small fish together daily with the village in little friends, caught has known ......Too happy to think of home and duty. Before beginning school, the parents have met forcefully him. Begins school that day, positive tidied up the book bag and the textbook, Mr. Xu husbands and wives happy has not needed the matter which went to school for the child to worry secretly. Who wanted just to cross for two days, positive was not willing to go to school unexpectedly, shouts must return to the countryside, said that in the school did not have the countryside to be amusing.

    Look began school nearly for one week, positive has also been treating in the home, Mr. Xu husbands and wives worried was really bad. We used both persuasion and threats, roar have also roared, scolded also scolded, as soon as but raised the matter which went to school he to make a tearful scene, but also said itself to be dizzy frequently, we led him to go to the hospital inspection body all normally, doctor said that the child possibly had the psychological problem, suggested that we looked at psychologist. Mr. Xu said reluctantly that they were really at wit's end now.

    Begins school the syndrome manifestation

    Jinhua second hospital psychology consultation room Director Shi Chengsun said that similar Jiang Xiaorui and Xu's positive situation belongs to the model to begin school the syndrome, occurs in the elementary and middle schools near beginning school when beginning or begins school. Because elementary and middle school students in physiology and psychology also not mature, the adaptation and the automatic control ability are bad, if too relaxes in the vacation, for instance wallows the matter which or other plays in the Internet bar, faces the intense study life suddenly, if the point of view will transform is not prompt will present one kind not to adapt the new semester study life non-organic performance obviously, and will continue period of time.

    Summarizes, begins school the syndrome to have many kinds of manifestations, like is not willing to go to school, anxious, attends class is distracted, mood unstable and so on. Sometimes also will present in some physiological the performance, for instance losing sleep, will be addicted to rests and some looks up the non-reason dizziness, disgusting, abdominal pain and so on.

    Begins school the syndrome to have 5 kinds easily to send the student group, namely the psychological quality is low and the adaptiveness bad student, receives the student who frequently in the school teacher criticizes, the academic record not good student, cannot adapt the student very quickly to the new environment as well as some too pursues the perfect distinguished student in the studies.

    The related link explains begins school the syndrome to need the tripartite coordination

    Facing appears begins school the syndrome child, Jinhua second hospital psychology consultation room Director Shi Chengsun suggested that teacher and the guardian must first maintain calm, listens attentively to child's relation patiently, analyzes the reason which earnestly the symptom produces, prompt unblocking, the question which worried to the child says your view and the manner, through exchanges with the child, reduces its innermost feelings the pressure. For instance Jiang Xiaorui is not willing to go to school except wallows in the Internet bar, whether also to have with the parents cared insufficiently brings rebellious attitude related; Xu Yang is not willing to go to school except thinks the countryside to be amusing, whether because also has received the setback in the school and so on. The guardian while exchanges with the child, prohibited that displays anxious and worried excessively, in order to avoid creates the function which to the child the suggestion strengthens, aggravates child's symptom.

    Regarding the symptom quite serious child, suggests the guardian and teacher after discussed earnestly may lead the child to go to the hospital seeing a doctor, coordinates the psychological consultation suitably, reduces the child to goes to school tires of the malice and the sense of fear, when the necessity to consider that changes shifts for the child or transfers schools.

    Jinhua four Principals Wu Gentu indicated that explains begins school the syndrome to need schoolmate, the guardian and the school coordinates together. Runs into child who some are not willing to go to school, may lead him to feel first to the school the atmosphere, and lets the child feel as far as possible joyful in the school, for instance many and schoolmate exchanges the communication, enhances it to go to the school the interest, then integrates in gradually again the intense study life.

    In the course of treatment, the guardian also wants to pay attention corrects the child bad habits and customs, helps its arrangement reasonable daily schedule, guaranteed child going to school period has the enough energy investment study. If the child is unable to adapt for a while, the guardian should give understands and renders the suitable surveillance assistance, lets child's psychology from have a vacation gradually is separated from. In addition, the guardian also wants to pay attention gives the child by the positive psychological suggestion.

Chief-editor: Tianbao mother

Began school, the majority of students step the cheerful footsteps to arrive at the school

    Last week, the majority of students harbored the expectation and started their new semester joyfully, might also a some child after summer vacation, does not adapt to the campus life intense but orderly. Reporter is visiting the Jinhua urban district partial elementary and middle schools timing to discover that has some children not to be willing to go to go to school.

    Soaked a summer vacation Internet bar not to be willing to register

    Jiang Mr.'s son Jiang Xiaorui (alias) is the Jinhua some middle school third day student .9 months on 3rd, when reporter sees Mr. Jiang, he is helping the son to go through the asking for leave formalities. Mentions son's matter, Mr. Jiang is very distressed. He said that after most recent several years divorce, the son with oneself lives in together. But because he is runs the long-distance transport, has the time very rarely in the home, therefore in the life and the study matter must depend on the small wisdom ingredients. The small wisdom is very sensible, the academic record also has maintained at all personnel first 20. But had not thought that this summer vacation he has treated in the outside areas for one month, the small wisdom has actually been infatuated with the surfer, soaks all day in the Internet bar, the family does not return, but also learned to smoke 0.1 summer vacation to play down, a work spot has not made .9 months on 1st to begin school that day, Mr. Jiang meets must leave exactly goes far from home. Before leaving, he exhorts the son to want repeatedly to go to the school registration on time, summer vacation the work said to teacher later will make up again. Had not thought that his proleg just walked, the small wisdom posterior crus slid the Internet bar. Telephones until the teacher in charge to ask why the small wisdom hasn't come the school, Mr. Jiang only then to know the son has not gone to the school from the start. Mr. Jiang hurries to push switches hands living, at the same day impatiently has caught up with.

    After I come back, asked why the small wisdom hasn't gone to go to school, he one will say that the belly will hurt has no way the school, one will also say that the school registration will postpone for one day, will talk incoherently, I when have carried out teacher in charge's words, he only then acknowledged that he has gone to the Internet bar, I was in a rage begin to hit him. From then on, how do I scold perhaps the good words again persuade, he is gruff the temperament not to speak, in the home closes oneself in the room, the teacher in charge makes the phone call not to meet, lets him go to school does not want. Now so long as I am not at the home, he will run plays. Gets down like this again, I feared really he destroyed. Mr. Jiang cannot find way out to the son. These two days to prevent the son to go to the Internet bar, Mr. Jiang locks on the other side the son in the home, gave back to him to go through the asking for leave formalities, slowly tried to find solution to urge him to go back goes to school.

    It is not willing to go to school must return to the countryside to play

    How to roar how to urge him not to be willing to go to go to school. These two days, the family lives in the urban district north of the Changjiang River Mr. Xu the matter which goes to school for the child puzzled over. Xu Mr.'s son Xu Yang (alias) this year is the elementary school second grade, summer vacation period, because Mr. Xu husbands and wives usually works is very busy, has delivered the child countryside grandmother the family. After countryside, positive catches the small fish together daily with the village in little friends, caught has known ......Too happy to think of home and duty. Before beginning school, the parents have met forcefully him. Begins school that day, positive tidied up the book bag and the textbook, Mr. Xu husbands and wives happy has not needed the matter which went to school for the child to worry secretly. Who wanted just to cross for two days, positive was not willing to go to school unexpectedly, shouts must return to the countryside, said that in the school did not have the countryside to be amusing.

    Look began school nearly for one week, positive has also been treating in the home, Mr. Xu husbands and wives worried was really bad. We used both persuasion and threats, roar have also roared, scolded also scolded,kids toys, as soon as but raised the matter which went to school he to make a tearful scene, but also said itself to be dizzy frequently, we led him to go to the hospital inspection body all normally, doctor said that the child possibly had the psychological problem, suggested that we looked at psychologist. Mr. Xu said reluctantly that they were really at wit's end now.

    Begins school the syndrome manifestation

    Jinhua second hospital psychology consultation room Director Shi Chengsun said that similar Jiang Xiaorui and Xu's positive situation belongs to the model to begin school the syndrome, occurs in the elementary and middle schools near beginning school when beginning or begins school. Because elementary and middle school students in physiology and psychology also not mature, the adaptation and the automatic control ability are bad, if too relaxes in the vacation, for instance wallows the matter which or other plays in the Internet bar, faces the intense study life suddenly, if the point of view will transform is not prompt will present one kind not to adapt the new semester study life non-organic performance obviously, and will continue period of time.

    Summarizes, begins school the syndrome to have many kinds of manifestations, like is not willing to go to school, anxious, attends class is distracted, mood unstable and so on. Sometimes also will present in some physiological the performance, for instance losing sleep,kids toys, will be addicted to rests and some looks up the non-reason dizziness,kids toys, disgusting, abdominal pain and so on.

    Begins school the syndrome to have 5 kinds easily to send the student group, namely the psychological quality is low and the adaptiveness bad student, receives the student who frequently in the school teacher criticizes, the academic record not good student, cannot adapt the student very quickly to the new environment as well as some too pursues the perfect distinguished student in the studies.

    The related link explains begins school the syndrome to need the tripartite coordination

    Facing appears begins school the syndrome child, Jinhua second hospital psychology consultation room Director Shi Chengsun suggested that teacher and the guardian must first maintain calm, listens attentively to child's relation patiently, analyzes the reason which earnestly the symptom produces, prompt unblocking, the question which worried to the child says your view and the manner, through exchanges with the child, reduces its innermost feelings the pressure. For instance Jiang Xiaorui is not willing to go to school except wallows in the Internet bar, whether also to have with the parents cared insufficiently brings rebellious attitude related; Xu Yang is not willing to go to school except thinks the countryside to be amusing, whether because also has received the setback in the school and so on. The guardian while exchanges with the child, prohibited that displays anxious and worried excessively, in order to avoid creates the function which to the child the suggestion strengthens, aggravates child's symptom.

    Regarding the symptom quite serious child, suggests the guardian and teacher after discussed earnestly may lead the child to go to the hospital seeing a doctor, coordinates the psychological consultation suitably, reduces the child to goes to school tires of the malice and the sense of fear, when the necessity to consider that changes shifts for the child or transfers schools.

    Jinhua four Principals Wu Gentu indicated that explains begins school the syndrome to need schoolmate, the guardian and the school coordinates together. Runs into child who some are not willing to go to school, may lead him to feel first to the school the atmosphere, and lets the child feel as far as possible joyful in the school, for instance many and schoolmate exchanges the communication, enhances it to go to the school the interest, then integrates in gradually again the intense study life.

    In the course of treatment, the guardian also wants to pay attention corrects the child bad habits and customs,(Related Articlesbaby blanket The caress touches the baby beneficia), helps its arrangement reasonable daily schedule, guaranteed child going to school period has the enough energy investment study. If the child is unable to adapt for a while, the guardian should give understands and renders the suitable surveillance assistance, lets child's psychology from have a vacation gradually is separated from. In addition, the guardian also wants to pay attention gives the child by the positive psychological suggestion.

Chief-editor: Tianbao mother

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