Thursday, August 19, 2010

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A Ji'an teacher in charge comments the worst student

On November 27, baidu Ji'on presented a piece of card saying that recently, a Jian some middle school second day teacher in charge organized the student to vote, not only selected 5 best students, but also has selected 5 worst students. Sends the placard person, after female student Gao Piao was elected as the worst student, has come under the serious attack.

Teacher: I am a good intention

Yesterday noon, reporter arrived at this school, saw being concerned teacher in charge Qiu.

Qiu the acknowledgment, on November 25 truly has that day organized this evaluation. At that time the original intention was very simple, was wants to let the worst student and the most easy to learn pine resin antithetical couplet.

I am a good intention, had not thought that becomes noisily like this, a little is now disappointed! Mentions this matter, Qiu the mood is excited, does she give reporter a book, how the book content is a good teacher, has this idea is because of this book. In I read mentioned that lets the student and the difference study pine resin antithetical couplet, the effect is very good, thought that also implements in own class and grade.

In Qiu's class altogether has 50 students, the male student 22 people, the female student 28 people of .11 months on 25th, Qiu lets each schoolmate write in the mind to be best, worst 5 individuals. The question appears in the class recess rest. That period of time, have a female student to agitate schoolmate to throw slightly may (alias) worst, after the result starts the voting officially, more than 20 schoolmates threw slightly have been possible. Qiu said that when series counting the ballots she shocks very much, small might be able bear.

Small may the academic record be good, the result probably arranges at year group first 10, is also the class and grade cadre. Usually, very many matters turn over to her to manage, possibly was manages a lot, or schoolmate thought that she liked calumniating somebody to superiors, causes schoolmate to dislike ......Mr./Mrs. Qiu said that except small may, other worst 4 people are the male students completely.

Bureau of Education bureau chief inquires about

The net friend said that after the evaluation, small might the psychology and the spirit has come under the serious attack, could not spunk up throughout. According to Qiu said that after assessment result drawing a charge, small may some not be able to understand truly. Therefore, she also specially looks slightly may talk, hoped that she do not have the something weighing on one's mind. Qiu said that she and small might the mother also say this matter, small might the mother and daughter indicate finally, understood her good bitter intention, also did not have any complaint to this matter.

Other worst students, including guardian, also has not raised the objection.

Since had these many problems, will tie the antithetical couplet the matter not to implement! The Qiu deep sigh one breath, said that already knew the matter to access the net, now this matter lets me be very painful!

Qiu the expression, Jian Bureau of Education bureau chief also takes this matter .12 months on 1st evening also that to telephone toward principal to inquire whether to have this matter, she has made the report to principal and education bureau chiefs.

The difference lives: The highest ticket do not help mutually the object

The elected worst student's mood was what kind of? Qiu receives reporter the class and grade.

The small Yin principle (alias) was in 4 elected worst male students the number of votes is highest. Asks his feeling, the small Yin principle smiles gruffly, he said that although highest ticket election, but he insisted that does not look for the cooperation partner, but also to teacher guaranteed that certainly will study diligently.

I thought that teacher this procedure is. Because does this is to understand that schoolmates' situation, your way and the method I accept ......Although I in these 5 person of rows,cheap kids clothing stores, but I do not look like somebody such ......I am willing to let you manage me ......This is one of worst students small triumphant (alias) writes for teacher's note. Mr./Mrs. Qiu said that she and schoolmate relate specially well, many schoolmates write the paper to her to comfort her on own initiative.

The card harbors ulterior motives the human sends

As a result of this school principal serious illness in the outside areas in hospital, reporter has not disturbed. It is known that Qiu is engaged in the teacher profession ten several years, she brings the class places in the entire grade 4 classes first, arrives at this school 4 years, once was evaluated the backbone teacher in charge.

This card is definitely not schoolmate or the family long hair. I and they locate result in are very good,personalized baby gift, moreover they were simple, have any words in front to say! Qiu told the reporters firmly,(Related Articlespumpkin patch kids clothing The young mother has the daughte), certainly harbors ulterior motives the human sends. This matter affects is very bad, I had already found pastes the host, explained that matter's long and short of the story, the card already deleted.

Reporter: You let schoolmate evaluate the best student, the worst student, what is the standard? Is according to the academic record?

Qiu: Also has the discipline, synthesis consideration and so on personal character.

Reporter: Before the evaluation, considered that the student association cannot bear?

Qiu: Certainly, has before given back to them to make the psychological test, they display specially are good, I only then feel relieved.

Psychological consultation teacher: The heart punishes the corporal punishment is much more serious than

Even if is thinks through a matter, also possibly works just the opposite! The national second-level psychology consultation teacher, Tonghua Luan continuous rain mind clubhouse's Li Hengjuan said that teacher's procedure has improper. In child grow years, no matter teacher or the guardian, should give them as far as possible one kind of equal and the respect education. The child is a child after all, their psychological carrying capacity has not been able to be the same with adults, extremely easy to form the feeling inferior rebel's psychology. Punishes to student's heart the corporal punishment must be much more serious than, it often brings the biggest injury to the student. Serious will also become their life the painful recollection, to future development not any advantage.

Therefore, the parents and teacher want to treat child's mistake correctly,unique gifts for kids, allows them to make a mistake. The child made mistakes, wants frontage, real, kind, exchanges effectively with the child, communicates from the psychology, guides from the behavior, this is the education true meaning is.

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