Monday, August 16, 2010

kids costumes The child offers the compassion not to be simple

The kindergarten reads the middle shift Wei Wei thought that offers the compassion helps other person, the matter but also very proudly told reporter her just to give together with mother is sick mother-in-law who donates money. But the voice just fell, Wei Wei has fought for with a same class child because of the model building block. Wei Wei attains first, the same class children also want to play, provoked anger Wei Wei.

But elementary school third grade Arab League joyful, then thought that contributes the spending money, although is very honorable, but usually do not give up the flower, actually also a little does not give up. On the junior middle school second grade small all thought that sometimes felt this form is a little false. Actually has own idea in secret, but on the surface must display the enthusiasm the appearance to offer. Similarly read junior middle school's armed forces armed forces to say to reporter that felt sometimes everybody offered the compassion is actually competes mutually, others have offered, if you have not offered,kids costumes, very much did not have the face.

Expert advice

Let the child have the compassion not to be simple

Guangzhou mental source education center Director Liu Zhongliang believed that lets the child offer the compassion is the good deed, but the guardian never wants to force the child to make the contribution, on the other hand, guardian's guidance must get the knack, otherwise possibly works just the opposite.

Do not force the child to make the contribution - - to let the child offer the compassion is the good deed, but it also has a premise, that is the child needs to have the enough mind strength. Only the innermost feelings strength is formidable, likes only then possibly truly flowing gives others, otherwise regarding the child who offered a side is harmful. For instance in child 2 year-old about time, is very strong to the thing acquisitive instinct, actually this is the child grow must pass through the stage, the child feels self-confidently gradually in this process. If the guardian forces the child to make the contribution to other children, for instance, plays own toy for other child and so on, will let the children think that oneself will be unimportant, others will be important, will thus have the psychology which will feel inferior, will be harmful to the future growth.

Offers the compassion to need the mind energy - -, if the parents the love are not enough to the child, also cannot request the child to offer the compassion. Parents lack the compassion, does not care about the child, grows the child in this kind of family because will not be able to obtain likes lacking the compassion. Therefore, trains the child to have the loving ability key is the parents must learn to love the child. Child's love at heart is full, only then possibly healthily overflows gives others, otherwise, the child will be indifferent to the human, will foster the counter-society personality.

The transmission compassion needs the environment - - compassion the raise not to look like the knowledge the dissemination to be such easy, to need lasting and the real compassion environment, like this, the child accepts the information is the sincere call which is from heart, but is not this for a while, other temporary contradiction. The child time takes the parents own example, parents' every word and deeds is influencing subtly the child. Human who therefore, if wants to let the child have the compassion truly, the parents must have the compassion, achieves is filial piety old person, cares about the child, shows loving concern other people, is glad helps the human and so on. Thus, the true feelings true feelings can very natural flow to child's heart.

Arrives personally its boundary to have the perceptual knowledge - - belt child to experience personally, the compassion is only then not abstract. If has the opportunity, may lead the child to visit the impoverished mountainous area or to participate in the school, organization's and so on children's palace compassion summer training camp activities, such children naturally will surge regarding person's compassion which needs to help.

Disparity in age different method - - many guardians approve offer the compassion to want to work from the baby, but introduced according to gold education Research center Director Li Huijian, before 3 years old, the child did not have the complete memory, in this kind of situation should better promote child's compassion through the vivid practical feeling to discuss a request, for instance and the child raises the small fish together, the chicken, micro-organisms and so on young duck and so on. But regarding the age slightly long child, the guardian needs in daily influences subtly exercises the child to carefully examine itself and other people mood ability, lets the child academic society sympathize, the compassion not please originally.

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The celebrity raises child's compassion like this

Pan Yueming, Mr. and Mrs. Dong Jie: The famous actor Pan Yueming, Mr. and Mrs. Dong Jie this year also at the beginning of are the parents. Recently, they joined the impoverished child vaccine to show loving concern the plan, appealed that everybody stretches out together aids, lets the child who the impoverished child can also look like the city obtain the complete vaccine inoculation service equally. Dong Jie said: I am a mother, hoped very much through each kind of active transmission regarding child's love, I believed that if I do this, after the child grows up,kids clothing, human who can also be has the compassion.

Ruan Xinghang: As quite received the television station director who welcome,luxury gifts for kids, Ruan Xinghang recently also honorably promoted as the father. How refers to raise child's compassion, Ruan Xinghang in accepts reporter time own visit indicated: Raises child's compassion is actually succeeds in the raise humane spirit 0.1 people or not is not most important, he should learn the personhood first. The guardian wants to let the child academic society show loving concern others, oneself must set an example, moreover is not participates in a time two public welfare activity to be able to solve the problem, definitely is influences subtly, Run thin silent. However has opportunity time may also through encourage the child to participate in each kind offering the compassion the activity to deepen them to this question understanding.

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