Monday, August 23, 2010

kids costumes 4-5 year old child diffuse skills growth

The kindergarten or the preschool have the friend who may meet frequently. But if the child has not entered the preschool, or how the life isn't having the neighbor place to manage? Either how is the neighbor child too big or too small does not suit you the child to manage? In this case, you have the necessity to arrange the child to play with other pre-schoolers. The park, the drill ground, before the school age, moves the plan to be possible to meet with other children to provide the extremely good opportunity. Once the child has found the partner which he as if likes, you need to take some measures to encourage them to associate. Most importantly encourages him to invite him to sojourn the friend to the family. Shows off own room to him to other children, the study challenges the authority and the test supports oneself the ability aggressive reaction. If he makes mistakes once more, processes this kind of situation the best method expresses the opposition, and must discuss his true meaning or the feeling with him is anything. Your response more emotionalism, more will encourage him to continue this bad behavior. If the cold treatment means do not have an effect, he insists the wrong behavior, then overtime processing is the most effective penalty method.

Must keep firmly in mind, although the child was exploring good and the bad concept by now, but his moral outlook was still simple. Therefore, when he observes some rule very earnestly, is not because he may understand or the agreement,kids costumes, but has the possibility, because he wants to avoid punishing. In theirs thought that all consequences are intentionally. Therefore when he breaks some valuable things, he possibly thought that has made the misdemeanor, no matter he is intentionally. Therefore, needs to teach the child to distinguish the accident and the wrong behavior. In order to help the child to study this kind of difference, you have the necessity separate him and his behavior. In he did and said when needed to carry on the penalty the matter, guaranteed that he understood the reason which punished is his special behavior,organic baby blanket, but was not because he was bad. Do not say that he is the bad child,(Related Articleskids pants the lol hero alliance time protects Zil), where could tell him to do clearly mistakenly, explicitly separated the human and the behavior. For example, he united his young compatriot, must to him explain that like this will make others to feel the pain, but only says your this bad child. When he occasionally makes wrong anything,baby gift, must comfort him to tell him you to understand that he is not intentionally.

Certainly do not by own ignition, or thought that oneself is not the matter which aims at him to do gets angry. Before letting the school age, the child undertake some you to think he may complete duty, and when he completes praises him, this is also important. He already might complete independently well tidies up the table or the clean floor's duty likely. When you leave home goes out, must to him explain that you hoped he makes anything, when he does this, must praise him. You also have the responsibility more opportunities to play to him with other child, when he lives in peace together with other child and helps others, tells him you for him to feel that is proud.

This stage last stage diffuse skills growth milestone

Wants to try to please the little friend;

Indicated that likes the little friend;

Some possibilities agree with some principles;

Likes singing, dances with gymnastics;

The behavior is more independent, will alone visit the next door the neighbor.

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