Monday, August 16, 2010

baby doll Guardian's words Child's transformation cannot leave your teacher's careful education

Guardian's words: Child's transformation cannot leave your Mr.'s/Mrs.'s careful education preschool education resources time to pass well quick, in the treasure the kindergarten already was in an instant the second semester, recalled carefully since this more than semesters,baby doll, what treasure in kindergarten perhaps in home's performance is really the change is very big.

Remembered clearly just delivered him to enter the kindergarten the first day, just arrived at the kindergarten to dig a small mouth not to be willing to speak, has pulled my bottom of pants leg to the classroom not to drop, to remember at that time, Mr./Mrs. Xu said to me, good Aunt you felt relieved, newborn just started was this, must therefore ask your guardian to coordinate, must stay behind cruel-heartedly the child, we will look after them. At that time I hugged the son to flush away toward the classroom outside, the kid woosh woosh has cried, thinks that was really a little is not cruel enough, but also remembered that one time, he pulled Mr./Mrs. Xu's nose bleeds, ha-ha ......; Now is dissimilar, the son goes to school basically is grandfather delivers, to the kindergarten entrance, has gotten down the storage battery car, swung begins with grandfather saying that then entered the kindergarten joyfully, gave regards on own initiative with teacher. Is on vacation from school meets his time, also proud place own forehead, will be telling grandfather on the forehead the salvia cocinea will be teacher praises encourages him, but rewards, looked that his proud vigor, ha, is really lovable! Grandfather will also display, will turn upwards the thumb appreciation son immediately, will increase son's sense of pride.

Remembered that also has one time is " the parent-child reads the nursery song in the kindergarten organization " in the competition, the son also obtained " the book results in the baby " the title of honor! Kid good happy oh ......

Compares the beforehand time most obvious will be the treasure will use the standard spoken Chinese and our adults has exchanged, although sometimes he will speak " the super standard spoken Chinese " we also not too to understand,baby girls, but we actually saw the child grew healthy and strong in teacher and under guardian's careful cultivation!

Every day is on vacation from school, he can sing teacher to teach their nursery song in the kindergarten to listen to us, to be assorted " melon baby father and mother "" two fish "" national flag national flag really beautiful "" to go to work " and so on many many; Also will have him also to sing me usually to teach his song, for instance " we will have family "" Beijing to welcome you ",new born baby accessories, what will be best, the treasure will also read the Tang poem. Giving a performance. New year's time, my family has come many relatives, had the lunch, son's interest has come, worked as the numerous relative's surface to perform many many programs, one will sing, one will dance, the relatives smiled grin with ear to ear ......

When the evening sleeps time has been more mischievous, before every night sleeps, he wants to play for nearly more than one hours on the bed, plays the content mostly is lets me tell the story to him. After saying, he will also say me the story which listened to him to say again for grandfather paternal grandmother listens, to hear grandfather paternal grandmother to laugh. I do not waste time, use this proper time, arranges several to be advantageous beforehand in inspiring him not to change the kindergarten, likes crying and so on problem stories, for instance " on Sun Wukong and the zhubajie the kindergarten "" tractor bulldozer dredge takes an afternoon nap " and so on, thus guides the sons to be such joyful to Sun Wukong on the kindergarten, looks like the tractor to take an afternoon nap equally on time, simultaneously lets the son go to sleep peacefully in the story ......

In brief. Since the treasure has made the such big progress in this more than semesters, is cannot separate with the kindergarten teacher's careful education, thanks the kindergarten loyally in this all teacher!

Gu Jianuo guardian preschool education network

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